0207 370 0027 info@bbfi.org.uk

BBFi Public Sector Investigations – Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

This Equal Opportunities policy was last updated on 4th December 2020

BBFi Public Sector Investigations is committed to the principle of equal opportunities. We welcome all members of the community irrespective of race, colour sex, religion, or disability. We aim to ensure that the talents of the whole community are considered.

BBFi Public Sector Investigations aims to safeguard those who may face inequality or harassment due to one or more of the nine ‘protected characteristics’. These are protected from discrimination under equality legislation – the Equality Act (2010).

The 9 Protected Characteristics are:

1. Age
2. Disability
3. Sex
4. Sexual orientation
5. Race
6. Religion or belief
7. Gender reassignment
8. Marriage or civil partnership
9. Pregnancy and maternity

When selecting for employment, promotion, training, or anything of this nature, it will be based on the individual’s own merits.  Aptitude and ability will determine their suitability for the role; it will not be affected by any of the protected characteristics.